
The Resistance Lives!

We are an organization dedicated to rousing the American public to nonviolent collective action to break the oligarchy of Wall Street bankers, fight climate criminals, and stop the burning of fossil fuels.  We will post new actions regularly.  We invite citizens of all ideological stripes and creeds to join us in overthrowing the plutocrats and restoring American democracy.

We believe . . .

  • The United States has suffered a coup d’etat.  The Bankers and other wealthy individuals on Wall Street have used their out-sized share of America’s wealth to corrupt our government.
  • The corporate owned media uses its control of our public airwaves and cable stations to divide the population and redirect public anger away from the super rich and towards ideological strawmen.  Both the right and the left play this game.
  • The only solution to our many serious problems is to break the power of the Plutocracy.  Until power is restored to the population and their elected representatives, no progress is possible.
  • There is ample evidence that climate change is real, is occurring, and is caused by human industrial activities.  Powerful interest groups spend huge amounts of money to confuse the public and obfuscate the truth.
  • The end of cheap oil is here.  Continued reliance on fossil fuels is a source of tremendous weakness for our nation.  We have no choice but to convert to renewable energy sources and reduce our energy consumption.
  • The highly specialized society we have built has reduced the power of the individual, of the family, and of the local community.  It is time for power to devolve back to a scale that allows citizens to act as citizens and does not reduce the population to passive consumers.

Our methods . . .

  • The tactics of nonviolent mass  social resistance are the only proven methods for reclaiming government in the name of the citizens.
  • Revolutions begin with small everyday acts of resistance and rebellion.
  • Neutrality is not a moral option.    It is complicity.
  • We abhor violence in all its forms.  It does not work, it cannot work, and those who wish to commit acts of violence will find no home with us.

Our goals . . .

  • Develop relationships with other resistance groups from across the ideological spectrum and work to coordinate and communicate our actions.
  • Heal the ideological divisions between left and right in this country and reach out to all who have been angered by the massive fraud and theft committed by the powerful against the weak.
  • Articulate a moral vision that calls on all of us to protect the weak and treat each other with love and kindness.
  • Work toward a future where the Plutocracy has been destroyed and American democracy has been restored.

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember, or overthrow it.  –Abraham Lincoln


To dare: that is the whole secret of revolutions.
Antoine Saint-Just

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